Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Hai friends iam K.SANTOSH REDDY pursuing my MSIT in Lawrence technological university and iam from INDIA I have done my under graduation in Holy Mary institute of technology, Hyderabad. My main interest is towards photography.

           I have chosen this blog based upon some incidents I have seen in my real life, which inspired me to write this blog. Child labor is being a growing concern these days.


Child labor is something where children go to work rather than going to school. Children who all are working under the age of 15 are considered as child labor. Now -a -days we see this in many different sectors, not all work done by children is classified as child labor. Poverty is one of the main reasons why people are going to work. Due to poverty and lack of money parents are forcing their children to work. In our daily life we see children under age 15 working in many places such as hotels, shops etc.

                                  Let me say you about some incidents which I have came across in my daily life, I used to travel different places in the city I saw many people working in different sectors most of the places I saw children under age were working. I asked many times about their daily routine and why they prefer to work instead of studying. About 80% of the people said that they work due to their poverty and they do not have enough funds to go to school. Some of them even cried saying that they don’t want to work and they want to study, I was really touched by their feelings they do not have proper food to eat, shelter to stay, clothes to wear. Even many people were homeless they don’t even have parents to stay with they use to sleep on the roadside and in the mornings they work for food.


I have been watching these situations around me for many days, then, I decided to do something for them. Then with the help of some of my friends I met few people and explained them about these children’s situation. Many people came forward to help these children slowly we started an organization for these kind children who were homeless and the organization not only for the children who are working but we also took care of the children who lost their parents.

                                      We started this organization with 5 people and now we have around 30 children with the help of many other people we are running this organization and now we do not have enough funds to send every child to school but we spoke with some of the teachers over there to come home and teach the children, around for one month the teachers came home and taught the students and now all the children are getting free education in a government school. We also got response from an organization in the United States i.e. TDF  “TELANGANA DEVELOPMENT FORUM” they usually send funds to our organization for children’s safety.


                                       No child is born to work in the early stages of their life but due to different reasons they are forced to work. There are many laws to eradicate this child labor but many few are in existence, basic education must be free in all countries so that we can eradicate most of these labor work. Many people choose younger ones to work because they work for a cheaper salary, childhood is very important stage in every children's life because they enjoy, they play and have fun at their beginning stages of life instead of having a peaceful life If children tend to work at their early stage they fall ill and some time there will be several health issues which may sometimes lead to death.

         Despite the fact we see that child labor no longer exists, there are many places in different countries where we can still see the problems of children facing the same issues. There are also some critical positions where parents sell away their children to earn money; by building awareness among the people we can reduce the risk of child labor. A major defect is that the actual number of child laborers goes un-detected, as the laws are not implemented correctly; various growing concerns have pushed children into employment. There are many organizations and laws coming forward to stop this child labor and all the peoples concern is only one thing that no person should suffer with lack of education every person should be educated.


Change always comes from us if all the people ensure that they will not employ children in their work and strictly follow to the rules then a lot of changes may happen. Its first our family who should understand that child labor is a crime, first the schools in the villages should encourage students to study and explain them about the future benefits. Many children do not study, as they do not have sufficient funds, if education is provided for free many students may show interest towards studies rather than going to work, by doing this we can stop many children from going to work. Every child has their own dreams towards their future but due to their conditions they are not able to fulfill it.


                              June 12th is the world day against child labor. We can also reduce the risk of child labor in other ways may be as a individual you cannot do any thing but we got many social networks these days where we can post everything to make people aware. If the government officials who are working under this laws strictly enact then we can reduce a high risk of child labor.

            Child labor is against the children freedom it stops children from their rights, protection. Many people speak about the ways to stop child labor but if people start adopting some children or making funds for their study and future to some extent we can stop this labor activity. No parents dreams their children to work in their childhood but there circumstances force them, many kids end up their lives working in hazardous areas such as working in chemical factories, fire stations. Many kids physically, emotionally and mentally are not well developed as they start working in their early stages of life. Only by keeping these awareness programs we cannot eradicate child labor there are many other issues concerned with this.