Wednesday, November 11, 2015


                              June 12th is the world day against child labor. We can also reduce the risk of child labor in other ways may be as a individual you cannot do any thing but we got many social networks these days where we can post everything to make people aware. If the government officials who are working under this laws strictly enact then we can reduce a high risk of child labor.

            Child labor is against the children freedom it stops children from their rights, protection. Many people speak about the ways to stop child labor but if people start adopting some children or making funds for their study and future to some extent we can stop this labor activity. No parents dreams their children to work in their childhood but there circumstances force them, many kids end up their lives working in hazardous areas such as working in chemical factories, fire stations. Many kids physically, emotionally and mentally are not well developed as they start working in their early stages of life. Only by keeping these awareness programs we cannot eradicate child labor there are many other issues concerned with this.


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