Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I have been watching these situations around me for many days, then, I decided to do something for them. Then with the help of some of my friends I met few people and explained them about these children’s situation. Many people came forward to help these children slowly we started an organization for these kind children who were homeless and the organization not only for the children who are working but we also took care of the children who lost their parents.

                                      We started this organization with 5 people and now we have around 30 children with the help of many other people we are running this organization and now we do not have enough funds to send every child to school but we spoke with some of the teachers over there to come home and teach the children, around for one month the teachers came home and taught the students and now all the children are getting free education in a government school. We also got response from an organization in the United States i.e. TDF  “TELANGANA DEVELOPMENT FORUM” they usually send funds to our organization for children’s safety.

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